12 June 2018

Katya's daily routine

1. Open the bedroom door, Rambo would dash out to to check on Katya.
2. Refill her bowl with less than 1 tablespoon of Oxbow pellets.
3. Replenish her water bowl with added supplement.
One of the best supplement
for rabbit, with vitamin C
& glucose for digestive
support. Also good for
bunnies that are going
under stress.

4. Change her litter tray.
Pet Lovers Center exclusive

This is so far the best bedding I've used, doesn't stain the tray, easy clean.

These wood shavings are the worst. Doesn't absorb the odor and pee, I have to scrub like crazy every day to clean the tray. Comes with scent, which is bad for bunnies. Thou it comes with unscented and price is really affordable, I will not use it again. Cleaning part is a mess.

5. Refill hay box.
Katya is not eating hays from Oxbow, all her hays are from Taobao.
Link here: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=44123978414&_u=c1q36akf0d00
I used to give her hays from Oxbow, but she is always wasting it. But ever since i switch her to Taobao hays, I realize there is less wastage though the hays are drier and slightly yellow. 

1. Came back from work, asking how's her day.
2. Put a handful of oat hays on her tray.
3. Refill her bowl with fresh vegetables!

Feeding fresh vegetables is
a part of rabbit's diet.

4. Treats and Bonding session time!
Sometimes I'll give her a few pieces of dried flowers and dried corns.
Link here: https://buyertrade.taobao.com/trade/detail/tradeSnap.htm?tradeID=147604936181518702&snapShot=true

Katya's Palace

Welcome to her palace. Exaggerating right?
 For the same type of cage, it cost above $300 in Singapore. But But!
U can find it here: https://trade.taobao.com/trade/detail/tradeSnap.htm?trade_id=133901290976518702&from=htm

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